Srinagar: Expressing concern over slow pace of works, theGovernor-led administration is all set to act against officials for creatinghindrances in execution of development works in Jammu and Kashmir.
An official document reveals that in a meeting it was pointedout that bills are not being furnished, which was viewed seriously andadministrative secretaries were requested to own up these works.
In the meeting, the document says that dismal performanceunder PMDP was also viewed seriously and departments were advised to identifyand remove bottlenecks so that works under PMDP are executed on time.Crores offunds get lapsed annually in the state due to non-utilisation of funds in ascheduled time. The departmental heads have been directed several times in thepast for timely utilisation of funds.Despite that developmental works getaffected due to lack of funds or lackadaisical approach of authorities.Thedocument reveals that Advisors to Governor, Chief Secretary, PrincipalSecretary to Finance Department in May this year held a meeting withadministrative secretaries.
"Principal Secretary expressed concern regarding thepace of expenditure during first month of the current financial, primarily dueto Model Code of Conduct. He emphasized the need to catch up with the losttime," the document reveals.In the meeting, the Advisors directed all theadministrative secretaries and deputy commissioners to point out "issuesfaced by them" in execution of the works in a time-bound manner.
The Chief Secretary directed the deputy commissioners toidentify causes of delay in the works in consultation with all the departmentsand resolve problems."All the Advisors stated that allotment of works onnomination was highly undesirable. Principal Secretary Finance stated that suchpractice defeats the purpose of actual discovery of price and is against normsand canons of financial propriety and should be strictly avoided," thedocument reads.An official privy to the meeting said that it was also decidedto take tough action against those officials who create hindrances in executionof works."The Governor's office has sought details about developmentalworks in the state. The concerned authorities have been directed to submit areport why several works are pending since years," the official said. Theofficial said Chief Secretary has also been told by the Governor to monitor thedevelopmental works of the state.
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